The Levels of Listening


Your ability to listen drives your business success.

In the dynamic realm of business, the art of listening isn’t just a soft skill—it’s the powerhouse behind thriving relationships and groundbreaking ideas. As an executive or leader, your knack for attentive listening sets the stage for fostering robust connections and propelling innovation. In today’s landscape, where loneliness and mental well-being loom large, the role of listening has never been more pivotal. As Stephen Covey revealed in his timeless work ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ empathetic listening is the cornerstone of effective communication and trust-building. However, as technology evolves and AI looms larger, the value of genuine, person-to-person connection skyrockets. Your ability to listen attentively—constantly honing this skill—becomes the linchpin of your business triumphs. Over the past quarter-century, my team and I have coached thousands of managers and executives in the art of listening. Through our journey, we’ve unearthed key strategies for sharpening this essential skill.

Here’s a rough guide to mastering the art of listening:

  • Internal Listening: While problem-solving often nudges us toward internal dialogue, this level of listening isn’t where growth happens. Beware the trap of believing your ideas reign supreme—it stifles collaboration and innovation.
  • Focused Listening: Like a laser, focus your attention solely on the speaker. Dive deep into their words, pace, and energy. Practice ‘looping back’—a simple yet powerful technique to ensure understanding and connection.
  • Global Listening: Beyond words lie nuances—non-verbal cues, emotions, and energy. Cultivate a soft, inclusive focus akin to nature’s whispers. As you attune yourself to the environment, your capacity for understanding and empathy expands.

Great coaching conversations emerge when executives embody both level 2 and 3 listening. It’s a responsibility to guide and nurture the growth of those you lead, empowering them to face challenges with courage and creativity. At Living Teams, we advocate for global listening—a holistic approach that deepens trust and dialogue in all relationships. Remember the wisdom of the Karate Kid mentor: ‘Your focus needs more focus.’ Actively improving your listening skills is a journey—a commitment to becoming 1% better every day.

Tips to Improve Listening Skills:

  • Practice ‘looping back’ or ‘playing back’ to ensure understanding and connection.
  • Engage in activities that promote ‘global listening,’ such as spending time in nature and tuning into your environment.
  • Set achievable stretch goals: aim to become 1% better at listening at levels 2 and 3 every day for a month.
  • Discipline yourself to consistently practice listening across all levels for a year.

As you practice – here are some helpful sentence structures to just “get you going”:
“So what you’re saying is… have I got that right?”

“I’m not sure I get it, help me see what you see”

“Is it just me or am I picking up some doubt about this proposal”

And of course our old friend

“What I like about what you said is….and here’s how I’d build on that thought….”

With great listening comes profound connection, collaborative ideation, and shared ownership. Embrace the transformative power of listening—it’s the ultimate catalyst for your business success. Practice with daily determination. I challenge you to let us know how you get on.